Tuesday 22 September 2015

Lawn Mowers Can Be Dangerous

Some individuals particularly those with inexperienced hands fancy mowing the field whereas some subcontract the tasks to their youngsters or neighbors who perhaps no aside from less seasoned and fewer sure-handed within the tasks. However, the lawn mowers can be dangerous if not handled properly as the evidence shows over 77,000 lawn mower injuries in a year. In some extreme case, the improper lawn mowers experience also result in fatal accidents. Therefore, this article highlights the four nos in lawn mowing.

1.  No frivolous

As a rule of thumb, everybody who can operate or not operate the lawn tool ought to apprehend that the machine isn't a toy. Everyone regardless how experienced one is, one should handle the machine with caution and safety but never in a frivolous manner. One should never ever use it to crack a joke or else injuries and fatal death will be waiting at the other end.

2.  No barefoot

Many people prefer to mow their lawn with bare foots because they like the sensation, but this is a bad idea for numerous ideas. Firstly, there may be sharp, small stones or objects hidden in the grass. Secondly, the debris from the lawn mower may result in cuts on your feet. Thirdly, the push mower may accidentally roll over your bare feet and causes injuries. This, however, is avoidable by wearing strong and durable boots.

3.  No children

Among the 77,000 lawn mowing accidents, 3000 cases involved children. Therefore, the parents are encouraged to test the children's ability and skills before letting them take over the task. Even so, the parents are advised to supervise them throughout the process so that the children are not frivolous in handling the machine and are the rush to the hospital if an emergency occurs. Moreover, the parents who operate the ride-on lawn mower should not offer a ride to the children as though the mower is a small car because the child may fly out due to the sudden stops and lack of safety belts.

4.  No pets

Just like children, the pets (e.g. puppy or kitten) may be excited to see the lawn mower and try to attack it in which resulting injuries to your pets. The pets may also be hidden in the grass or weeds. Therefore, you should tie or lock them up away from the lawn to avoid unnecessary cuts and killing off your pets.

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